Asaf Orhan Toprakci
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
The End
Sleepless Nights and Late Night Tales
The Arrival of Summer and Researchs
Monday, 11 May 2009
Critical Hours
Mills, D., Q., 2005, Principles of Management. 1st ed. Waltham, MA: Mind Edge Press
Low, M., B., and MacMillan, I., C., 1988. Entrepreneurship: past research and further challenges, Journal Management, Vol: 14, No: 2, pp.139-161
The Last Assignment
Silverman D,. 2001 Interpreting Qualitative Data: Methods for Analysing Talk, Text and Interaction. Sage, London.
Price, L., T., 2000. Explaining Ethical Failures of Leadership. Vol: 21/4, pp.177-184
Prabhu, G., N., 1999. Social Entrepreneurial Leadership, Vol: 4/3, pp.140-145.
Monday, 8 December 2008
Zimmerman, R., 2004. The carriage trade: stay-at-home moms get entrepreneurial. The Wall Street Journal, October 21, pp. A1-A16.
Kind Regards
Orhan Toprakci
New years, Holiday and Researchs
Machiavelli, N., 1984, The Prince. Plymouth, U.S: Bantam Classics
Schneider, M., Teske, P., and Mintrom, M., 1995. Public entrepreneurs: Agents of change in the American government. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Damanpour, F., 1991. Organizational innovation: A meta-analysis of effects of determinants and moderators. Academy of Management Journal, Vol: 34, pp.555–590.
Bateman, T., S., & Crant, M., J., 1993. The proactive component of organizational behavior: A measure and correlates. Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol:14, pp.103–118.
I wish you a merry Christmas with health and prosperity and hope to see you in the next term.