Asaf Orhan Toprakci

Asaf Orhan Toprakci

Monday, 8 December 2008


It is nearly 3.10 a.m. in the morning and I am still sitting and trying to add some ideas to my assignment but I think I should sleep otherwise I will have no chance to write something on my next assignment which is investment proposal. To be honest still I haven't got any idea what to do for this assignment but hopefully I will check the charity commissions out to find a good company to analyze.

Secondly I feel like I am in the middle of nowhere as the more I get information about my dissertation the more I get confident that is for sure. However in my point of view, knowing where to start is going to play a huge important role. I have done a couple of researches but also sensed a lack of motivation and unwillingness. I estimate it is related with the other assignments that I will have to hand in. The good news is, as far as I am concerned it is just a temporary feeling which everybody might suffer. Another crucial fact that I want to mention is, in these confusing diffucult times discipline comes first and I think I am going to push myself forward by reading more articles so that it will provide a self discipline statement.

Here is another one. Have a look to this article;

Zimmerman, R., 2004. The carriage trade: stay-at-home moms get entrepreneurial. The Wall Street Journal, October 21, pp. A1-A16.

Kind Regards

Orhan Toprakci

New years, Holiday and Researchs

Dear Friends and Lecturers;
Previously I was talking about my struggle on assignments but now let's talk about holidays. As you all know very well, after this week we will have 3 weeks to spend our time with sleeping all day and night long. I do not know what are your plans but i am looking forward to sleeping afterwards.

Joke aside, these 3 weeks will also be crucial for those who are thinking to use this spare time as a productive tool for their future works. I consider myself one of those as time can grow really fast.

Here are the objectives that i set for this holiday;

1. Continue reading academic articles,journals and books to gain more information and knowledge in order to start writing efficiently.

2. Doing research again to find more results which are relevant for my dissertation subject

3. Finally have some rest as without sparing time for myself i will have no energy to accomplish other goals which are shown above.

Lastly, you can see the results that i have found to read and digest for these couple of weeks;

Machiavelli, N., 1984, The Prince. Plymouth, U.S: Bantam Classics

Schneider, M., Teske, P., and Mintrom, M., 1995. Public entrepreneurs: Agents of change in the American government. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Damanpour, F., 1991. Organizational innovation: A meta-analysis of effects of determinants and moderators. Academy of Management Journal, Vol: 34, pp.555–590.

Bateman, T., S., & Crant, M., J., 1993. The proactive component of organizational behavior: A measure and correlates. Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol:14, pp.103–118.

I wish you a merry Christmas with health and prosperity and hope to see you in the next term.

Kind Regards

Orhan Toprakci

Assignments and Deadlines

Dear Friends and Lecturers;

To be frank, assignments and deadlines have become challenging struggles as the responsibility of requirements heavier than the feeling of inactivity. I am trying my best to motivate myself for these struggles. I call them as a 'struggle' because the education system in Turkey is slightly different than the system of the United Kingdom. However i am absolutely sure that I am going to accomplish the goals which were set by our lecturers.

On the other hand, I also try to read academic articles and journals for my dissertation project when I seize an opportunity. What is more I sometimes try to read some important chapters which I think they are related with my subject from a couple of books yet the deadlines of our recent assignments have been more crucial than our dissertation. Admittedly, we will have time to do our research for the topics that we have chosen for the dissertation but now we have a very limited time to submit our assignments.

Here is the latest up to date academic journals and research books that i would recommend you to have a look;

Doig, J.W., and Hargrove, E., C., 1987. Leadership and innovation. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Galie, P., J., and Bopst, C., 2006. Machiavelli & Modern Business: Realist Thought in Contemporary Corporate Leadership Manuals, Vol.65, pp.235-250.

Eyal, O., and Kark, R., 2004. How do Transformational Leaders Transform Organisations?: A study of the relationship between leadership and entrepreneurship. Leadership and Policy in Schools, Vol: 3:3, pp.211-235.

All the best

Orhan Toprakci

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Welcome to my Dissertation Project Announcement

Dear Friends and Lecturers;

This webpage which was introduced to inform the latest improvements of our Dissertation Project and Research Proposal and comment our classmates' subjects.

To start with, I would like to announce that I have decided the topic which I will be doing research for my final project. It is called 'Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Events Business'
This will be a new venture for me as a student to discover the negative and positive researches and ideas about my dissertation topic and hopefully, it will strengthen my understanding and control on the subject.

To have an idea what I will be searching and preparing for my dissertation, have a look on this webpage.

In addition to that i would recommend you to have a read this book, in order to get an idea about my proposal. Brown, D., L., and Covey, J., G., 1990. Development Organisations and Organisation Development: towards and expanded paradigm for organisation development. Research in Organisation Change and Development, Vol: 1, pp. 59-87

These links are only the elementary lines of my project

Kind Regards

Orhan Toprakci